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Gracie James’ Texan Tornado Tea, Made With Our Organic CBD Hemp

Gracie James’ Texan Tornado Tea

Hey, y’all. If you’re new to this whole CBD hemp flower territory, welcome. Not sure what to do with the amazing flower besides smoke it? Well, then settle on in and I’ll give you a few pointers on how to make some soul-soothing tea made with our certified premium organic CBD hemp.

You’re gonna need a couple of things to make your tea:

  1. Texan Tornado certified premium organic CBD hemp flower
  2. Tea infuser or mesh ball for steeping your hemp flower
  3. A pot for boiling your water
  4. Other lose tea leaves or your favorite tea bag
  5. A fancy teacup for sipping and enjoying your tea

I don’t know about you, but I love to have a little gossip with my tea. So, listen to this. In 2018, the Federal Farm Bill was passed making hemp legal for growing. Well, just like the Gold Rush days, there was a mad dash of folks out there trying to get those seeds planted and producing. Me and Tom decided to go our own way.

We headed to Texas, found the perfect plot for planting then took our time and let mother nature and tender loving care turn our crop into the best in the West.

Our little plants even stood up to the tormenting terrors of Twisty the Tornado. Now that’s some strong plants for ya. And it may have a little something to do with why people say they get twisted to perfection when they cozy up with Texan Tornado.

Beautiful vintage composition with herbal tea, on wooden table

But now back to the reason you’re here – my famous tea recipe. Here ya go!

Step 1

Get your flower and chop it fine with a sharp cooking knife

Step 2

Add your water to the kettle and heat it up

Step 3

Measure out the amount of hemp flower you need

  • For an 8-ounce cup of teas, use 1-2 teaspoon and place it in the infuser
  • For a 16-ounce cup of tea, use 3-4 teaspoons and place it in the infuser

Step 4

Add the infuser and your favorite tea bag to your cup (If you’re using loose tea leaves, just put them in the infuser with your flower.)

Step 5

Pour the hot water into the cup and let it steep for 3-5 minutes

And there ya go!!! Sip it at night to help you get to sleep, during the day to get a handle on stress or when you’re not feeling your best. This little cup of herbal goodness will help you get right with the world and on to new adventures.

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